Search Search Search 76 Results Cancer screening education for South Sudanese youth Cancer Council Victoria and BreastScreen Victoria ran a grants project aimed at increasing partic... Chinese underscreened project The video below describes the Chinese Cancer Screening Project which aimed to increase cancer scr... Value of partnerships in integrated cancer screening programs Partnerships and linkages were key to the Under-Screened Recruitment Program. While each project... A collaborative approach to engaging with communities Working with the South Asian community to increase bowel cancer screening rates Increasing bowel screening among Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander community members A bowel screening themed stand-up comedy The use of a GP endorsed letter to increase the awareness of bowel screening amongst the South Asian community Case study on increasing awareness and understanding in the South Asian Community to navigate the bowel cancer screening pathway using a GP endorsed letter. Using Hip Hop to talk about hepatitis Case study on the hepatitis and liver cancer awareness campaign to mobilise the South Sudanese community to respond to chronic hepatitis B. Increasing cervical screening participation in the Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander community In the video below, Sandy from Ballarat and District Aboriginal Cooperative discusses how the cli... Increasing cancer screening participation for people with disability: the role of a GP International and Australian data indicates that people with disabilities are under-screened for ... Multicultural Grantee: PRACE working with Adult Migration Education Program students Developing an educational manual on bowel and breast cancer targeting Adult Migrant Education Program students. << 345 6 78 >>