Search Search Search 76 Results Group mammogram bookings in an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander setting Case study detailing the advantages of organised group mammogram bookings in an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander setting. Community action group and champions Case study on project focusing on Arabic-speaking people championing cancer screening messages in their community. Implementing a systematic approach to cancer screening in general practice This activity formed part of three activities in a project co-designed by Cancer Council Victoria... Public Cervix Announcement Cancer Council Victoria and Thorne Harbour Health joined forces to increase awareness around cerv... Nurse Ambassador Program Case study interview with a cancer screening nurse ambassador Nurse Certification and Victorian Preceptor Program Case study describing the Certification and Victorian Preceptor Program for nurse cervical screening providers. Screening for people with a disability Cancer Council Victoria and BreastScreen Victoria are working together to develop partnerships wi... A personal experience of the Cervical Screening Test Each year, Cancer Council Victoria run a professional development day for cervical screening prov... Learnings from working with the Aboriginal community Cancer Council Victoria have a lot of experience in working with the Aboriginal and/or Torres Str... Innovative ways of educating communities about cancer screening Preston Reservoir adult education << 234 5 678 >>