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223 Results
Barriers to cancer screening and working with community
Barriers faced by LGBTQ+ communities which impact cancer screening participation. You’ll also learn how healthcare professionals can help improve participation rates and access resources.
Profile and statistics
Find all the necessary information on participation and community profiles.
Understand some of the barriers this community faces.
Working with community
Some examples of best practice when working with this community.
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Updating cancer screening records
Case study detailing outcomes, feedback and challenges of a project to improve cervical, breast and bowel cancer screening rates at an Aboriginal Health Service.
Take the lead: a breast screening guide for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander women
Brochure for Aboriginal and or Torres women encouraging to do a breast screen.
Take the lead: be breast aware poster
A poster for Aboriginal women encouraging to do a breast screen.
National Bowel Cancer Screening Program
A link to the National Bowel Screening Program webpage.