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77 Results
Working with community
Community consultation is important, here are some tools to help.
Profile and statistics
Information about community profiles and participation rates.
Understand some of the barriers this community faces to cancer screening.
Working with community
Community consultation is important, here are some tools to help.
LGBTQ+ statistics on cancer screening
Information on cancer screening participation of LGBTQ+ populations in Victoria and Australia.
Barriers to cancer screening and working with community
Barriers faced by LGBTQ+ communities which impact cancer screening participation. You’ll also learn how healthcare professionals can help improve participation rates and access resources.
Profile and statistics
Find all the necessary information on participation and community profiles.
Understand some of the barriers this community faces.
Working with community
Some examples of best practice when working with this community.
The national cancer screening programs
A summary of the three cancer screening programs and who is eligible to screen