Breast cancer screening
Learn more about the National Breast Screening Program and participation rates.About breast cancer screening
BreastScreen Australia is the National Breast Cancer Screening Program that began in 1991. It invites women aged between 50 and 74 for a free mammogram every two years. The electoral role is used to identify women and send them invitation letters.
The breast screen, a mammogram, looks for cancer in the breast. It takes place with a female radiographer and lasts a few minutes and does not require a GP referral. A breast screen is for women with no signs or symptoms of breast cancer and no significant family history of breast or ovarian cancer. The cost is free through BreastScreen Victoria.
Find a BreastScreen location throughout Victoria, including the mobile van.
For more information visit BreastScreen Victoria.
In the related resources below, Cancer Council Victoria and BreastScreen Victoria have developed a presentation on breast screening, which can be used to assist in delivering presentations to the community.
- Screen-detected breast cancers less likely to cause death than breast cancers diagnosed in never-screened women
- Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. About one in eight women are diagnosed with breast cancer by the age of 85