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For Health Professionals

Nurse Ambassador Program

Case study interview with a cancer screening nurse ambassador

Cancer Council Victoria run a Nurse Ambassador Program which includes a workshop that increases skills and knowledge in cancer screening and prevention activities, with a particular focus on understanding the barriers and enablers in working with under-screened communities.

Nurses who participate are equipped to provide education, resources and support in their local community to reduce the incidence, mortality and morbidity of cancer and hepatitis among Victorians through cancer screening/early detection, as well as through systems change.

This resource hub showcases a sample of the resources and case studies that Nurse Ambassadors access through the Nurse Ambassador Program to assist them in reaching under-screened communities.

Want to get involved?

Nurses can be recognised as a cancer screening ‘Nurse Ambassador’ after completing a two-day practical and interactive workshop. The locations of Nurse Ambassador Workshops are chosen based on a needs assessment, considering geographical areas where low screening rates and high populations of our know under screened communities reside

The program aims to:

  • build the capacity of nurses to support under-screened communities to participate in cancer screening through problem-based learning
  • facilitate the sharing of knowledge and experience with peers by exploring case studies, developing practical strategies, and providing networking opportunities
  • capture and further develop the skills, knowledge and enthusiasm of nurses to represent, encourage and support cancer screening in their practices and broader communities,
  • equip nurses with the most up-to-date research from experts in the cancer screening field
  • provide the foundation for a Continuous Improvement activity such as peer education to be implemented in the nurses practice following the workshop.

Email to get involved or for more information.

Interview with cancer screening nurse ambassador Katrina Hoye

Nurse Ambassador Program infographic